A major felony criminal filing is the most serious form of proceeding that a California criminal defendant can face. An allegation on the level of murder, robbery, or sexual misconduct carries with it the full weight of the criminal justice system.
Typical consequences of these cases carry with them punishments that can last a whole lifetime; a person facing these charges may be looking at removal of firearm rights, criminal record "strikes", a double-digit prison sentence, or government registration as a sex offender. Representation by the right lawyer in these circumstances can mean the difference of literal years in custody time.
It is in these situations that an experienced criminal defense attorney is most able to show value for the investment. An experienced attorney is best able to provide the insight and tactics that will make concrete differences in the resolution of the case.
In fighting a serious felony, experience in building a strong evidentiary record in the preliminary hearing is critical. Furthermore, experience with complex legal and evidentiary motions allows for an attorney to hold the government accountable for constitutional violations. Lastly, you do not want to walk into a jury trial with an attorney who has never operated under that level of professional strain before.
In settling a serious felony, experience is crucial in undertaking the kind of complex research and negotiation required to ensure that a client is given access to the best plea offer available under the circumstances of the case. An offer must be examined to ensure that it maximizes sentencing credit, minimizes exposure to collateral consequences, and takes into proper account all of the evidentiary and mitigation information available. These are negotiations that are best handled by a steady hand with experience settling major cases. You do not want to be in a situation where this is the first time your attorney has ever had to handle a case of this magnitude.
Hiring a criminal defense attorney under these circumstances is an incredibly personal and serious decision to make. It should not be made lightly. It should be made after careful consideration of the factors listed above. If you would like to reach out to our office to request a free confidential consultation and case assessment, please reach out.
Southern California Criminal Defense